Data model mappers between Yams and JSON Schema ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. module:: cubicweb_jsonschema.mappers Module :mod:`cubicweb_jsonschema.mappers` provides appobjects that aims at mapping Yams model definitions to JSON Schema ones. These appobjects live in the ``mappers`` registry and are selectable with context information in Yams/CubicWeb semantics: * `etype` or `entity`: entity type or entity, * `rtype`: relation type, * `role`: role of `etype`/`entity` in `rtype` relation, * `target_types`: target entity types of `rtype` relation with `etype`/`entity` as `role`. The main predicate for these appobjects is :class:`yams_match`. Base classes for mappers ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Abstract base class :class:`JSONSchemaMapper` is the main appobject mapping Yams to JSON Schema. Concrete classes should implement :meth:`schema_and_definitions` to control JSON Schema generation. .. autoclass:: JSONSchemaMapper .. autoattribute:: __registry__ .. automethod:: json_schema .. automethod:: schema_and_definitions .. automethod:: links Abstract classes :class:`JSONSchemaDeserializer`, resp. :class:`JSONSchemaSerializer`, provide *interfaces* for deserialization, resp. serialization, from/to a JSON instance and are meant to extend :class:`JSONSchemaMapper` when appropriate. .. autoclass:: JSONSchemaDeserializer .. automethod:: values .. autoclass:: JSONSchemaSerializer .. automethod:: serialize Mappers for relations +++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: BaseRelationMapper :members: etype, rtype, role, target_types .. autoattribute:: __regid__ To control JSON Schema generation :meth:`schema_and_definitions` should be defined on concrete classes. .. autoclass:: InlinedRelationMapper :members: .. autoclass:: RelationMapper :members: Final types mappers +++++++++++++++++++ Based on relation mappers, :class:`AttributeMapper` is the base class for mapping Yams final relation type (i.e. *attributes*). .. autoclass:: AttributeMapper :members: _type, _value, attr .. autoattribute:: __regid__ .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoattribute:: format All standard Yams final types have a default mapper: .. autoclass:: StringMapper :members: _type .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoclass:: BytesMapper :members: _type, _value .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoclass:: FloatMapper .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoclass:: IntMapper .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoclass:: BooleanMapper .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoclass:: DateMapper .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoattribute:: format .. autoclass:: DatetimeMapper .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoattribute:: format .. autoclass:: PasswordMapper :members: _type .. autoattribute:: json_type .. autoattribute:: format There are several ways to override default attribute mappers. * One define a custom `JSON Schema format`_ through the ``format`` class attribute: .. code-block:: python class EmailMapper(StringMapper): __select__ = yams_match(etype='EmailAddress', rtype='address', role='subject') format = 'email' and get the following schema for the ``address`` property of ``EmailAddress`` entity type: .. code-block:: json { "title": "EmailAddress", "type": "object", "properties": { "address": { "format": "email", "title": "address", "type": "string" }, "alias": { "title": "alias", "type": "string" } } } .. _`JSON Schema format`: \ * Another possibility is to override `_type` and/or `_value` methods of an attribute mapper to control serialization and deserialization: .. code-block:: python class Base64BytesMapper(BytesMapper): """A mapper for Bytes attribute encoded in base64.""" __select__ = yams_match(etype='File', rtype='data', role='subject', target_types='Bytes') @staticmethod def _type(value): return Binary(b64decode(value)) @staticmethod def _value(value): return b64encode(value.getvalue()).decode('ascii') Compound mappers ++++++++++++++++ :class:`CompoundMapper` can be used to define a JSON Schema sub-document gathering a set of relations of a given entity type. For example, consider the following Yams entity type definition: .. code-block:: python class Photo(EntityType): longitude = Float() latitude = Float() taken_at = Datetime() the following class defines a "geo" property to be inserted in the JSON Schema document for "Photo" entity type: .. code-block:: python class geo(CompoundMapper): etype = 'Photo' relations = ('longitude', 'latitude') title = _('Geographic Coordinates') thus leading to the following JSON Schema: .. code-block:: json { "type": "object", "title": "Photo", "properties": { "geo": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Geographic Coordinates" }, "take_at": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" } }, "definitions": { "Geographic Coordinates": { "type": "object", "title": "Geographic Coordinates", "properties": { "longitude": { "type": "float" }, "latitude": { "type": "float" } } } } } .. autoclass:: CompoundMapper :members: .. autoattribute:: __regid__ Mappers for entity types and entities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: ETypeMapper :members: .. autoattribute:: __regid__ .. autoclass:: TargetETypeMapper :members: .. autoattribute:: __regid__ .. autoclass:: EntityMapper :members: .. autoattribute:: __regid__ Mappers for entities as collections and items +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following mapper classes are used to represent entities as `collections` and `items` of a collection. These are selected for entity types collection as well as for targets of relation. .. autoclass:: EntityCollectionMapper :members: .. autoattribute:: __regid__ .. autoclass:: RelatedCollectionMapper :members: .. autoattribute:: __regid__ .. autoclass:: CollectionItemMapper :members: .. autoattribute:: __regid__ Predicates ++++++++++ .. autoclass:: yams_match .. autoclass:: yams_final_rtype .. autoclass:: yams_component_target